

Bee Dancing!!

Hello there fellas! Have you discovered anything new about our beloved bees? I feel specially happy this week cause last Tuesday I celebrated my birthday, so this week post will be extra special.

Have you ever heard about “dancing bees”? Well, as you already know all the member bees from a hive work together in order to create what makes our toasts cheerful: honey! In order to, our lil’ workaholics take scouts roles and go out of the hive looking for some flowers and nectar. And when a bee finds a golden treasure of fields with blossoms, she certainly wants to communicate and show it to her sisters. And even though it sounds weird, she does that by dancing!

With choreography of moves and buzzing, a bee tells her sisters the direction in which the flowers are, and how far they are. I could certainly explain you the whole move, but this deep voice will make the work for me: here you have the called “waggle dance” …

Apparently our friends will never stop surprising us. Can you imagine designing a whole dancing system so you could communicate with your friends just my moving yourself? Sounds like fun! (As I really like dancing)

Ohh! And by the way we can certainly add dancers and choreographers to our list of bee roles , not to mention mathematicians again … wonderful!

This is all by now bee lovers! See you next week.

PS. I’m preparing a new bee challenge … so keep in touch :]


Bee the Queen!

Hello fellas! How are you? I just finished my partials week and man, it was tough! What about you?

Today we will honor the royalty from a hive! (You know already don’t you?) Yes, I’m talking about your highest, the Bee Queen. She is the boss of every single worker bee, and their mother also (sounds familiar?). We are talking about a familiar size mother, literally! A bee queen has an abdomen of about three times liger that the one of a normal bee, and with it takes the dutty of produce every single egg that will later turn into a larvae and later one of our beloved workaholics.

With the use of some pheromones, this is, smelly chemicals, she rules the entire hive without any chance of insubordination. She has a whole chamber just for her and some maidens which take care of their ALWAYS loved queen doing tasks such as feeding or even moving. Smells kinda good don’t you think?

And you might be wondering, where is the king?! Well, the fact is that this virago girl only goes out of the hive once in her whole life. That’s it! To look out for some drone boyfriends. After having some fun with drones for about a week, a queen is ready to come back and found her new empire turning herself into a babies producing machine. She will hold her crown for the amazing time of about 7 years! Then she would be almost a granny, so she orders her maidens to raise a new queen. This is done only by feeding a larvae with special food called royal jam. After feeding it with this jam, the larvae would later become a new queen rather than a worker, continuing therefore the kingdom.

Sounds like fun don’t you think? Comment about it!

See you my bee lovers!

PS. I deliver already one of my special prices, and on Monday I will deliver the second one :]